Sunday, July 10, 2011

Alphabet Party - Decorate with The Letters


Decorate your party room with his fist letters (you can get a lot of them in any store for teachers). The primary use is paper and colored tablecloths. Balloons will in the color of the decoration of primary (and every ball out the name of each child attending the party, with lyrics true to parts store.)



Food for kids to make sandwiches letter clipping (tuna, egg salad and peanut butter), using all kinds of breads to add color (white, wheat, etc.) For dessert, serve the cookies and make an alphabet cake reminiscent of the large block alphabet letters (using a square pan and layer 5 above the other and they all do) and if the child is four or five letter name to put a letter on both sides of the cake on the first, if it has 5 letters!


Bags Goodies:


Buying a gift the size of bags of brown paper handles (craft store) and to the front of each bag seems to paint a block alphabet board often the line around the perimeter and cutouts letter attached to the front (the first letter of each child (foreign ) name. Fill the bags with the book of word search (depending on age of the child), or the magnet alphabet book, a block of small alphabet (the first letter of their name), and the glue behind the letters of the alphabet coloring pages of the Crayola website (print), Oreos chocolate ice more for a letter (on Popsicle sticks and a dip in Oreo Oreos in melted dark chocolate, let dry on waxed paper and use the pipe icing to write a letter, wrapped in colorful scarf Sera and tie a colored ribbon.)


Games / Crafts T-Shirts:

Count up White shirts before buying a craft store (for each child attending) and iron on transfer paper for your computer. Find a program that will allow letters of the letter of the alphabet (I used the American Greetings card Create cards with cute children holding stick each letter) Letter each child print on paper, then iron on the front of each shirt The day each child find the letter and ask them to print their hands in the back of the shirt (fabric paint) at the beginning of the game, so hopefully if it dries before returning home.


kids birthday party Games:

Take a group photo of children dressed in their shirts and sends his thanks. Make the party boy / girl to take your shirt or sweatshirt (and), while greeting their missions. Letter game .... Hide cut letters (spelling of birthday boy / girl ") around the house or yard and the customer is the most cards win a prize.


Bingo Thurs alphabet Music

you can find music for every toy store for children or shop teacher (who teaches the alphabet), I had a great CD called Sing A to Z by Sharon, Lois & Bram. Name Bracelet ... if children aged alphabet beads and string (a craft store) and have a workroom where they can make their own band name (girls) or the name of the group (boys). I did it for my son when he turned, and it was a great success!

About the Author

Katherine Fernandez is very responsible Lady to organize these birthday party characters. There is also relaxation for parents to take no worry about arrangements and kids birthday party ideas. Do not forget to say the right things with your friends about kids birthday party games. Kids Parties Miami is also offered by Kids Fairyland. See

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